Olens is here with new lenses again!!! I think they were amazed at the success of Cherry Moon, so they are now back with highlighter lenses. Say hello to Olens Glowy Eyelighter in Black! I still don’t know how we will formally call this sector of lenses, but essentially, these lenses are half dark and half bright, to create the illusion of catchlight photography. When we have studio photos taken, usually, the lights and the reflectors add some pizzazz to our eyes. These lenses aim to bring that magic without the need for a studio setup!

These are the lens’ features:
- Lens Name: Olens Eyelighter Glowy
- Color: Black, Brown, and Ash Gray
- Material: Hema
- Water Content: Hama 40%
- Duration: Monthly
- Graphic Diameter: 13.1mm
- Base Curve: 8.6
- Price: $29 per pair (Buy 1 pair, Get 1 Free) at https://olensglobal.com/
- Power: 0.00~-8.00

The key feature of this lens is the two-toned half-side colors, to add a multidimensional feel to the eyes. These lenses also come with a deep black rim, but instead of it being a solid line like in the circle lenses of the olden times, the dark color is interspersed and also is gradated. These lenses look very pretty and are also comfortable in general. The only issue I have with lenses of this nature is that for photos, I have to keep on rotating the lens as the highlighter part can twist and end up on the upper part of my eye instead of where it should be (at the lower part). I’ve tried ignoring this, but I realized that I look like I have googly eyes if I don’t rotate the lenses back into position.

This is an eye zoom for the lens. Up close, you can see the contrasting colors on each half. One half is very light brown, while the other half is black-brown. There’s also a brighter gradation on the light brown area to create the illusion of light. The look is very natural, and for those who want to take better selfies, this is something you can consider.

This looks good for everyday awrahan. I love the effect. May paganung drama pala sya, feels like your in a studio so feel na feel lang ang pagkamodel. Love!